Thursday, December 30, 2010

Onion Ring Markups

I went out to meet the lady for lunch yesterday. It was sort of like a date except it ended with a walk back to the office instead of a trip to a Redbox kiosk. I personally think that Redbox is probably one of the most unbuster things of 2010.

We decided on Johnny Rockets which appears to be a 1950’s themed restaurant. I’ve never seen a 1930’s or 1970’s themed restaurant, only 1950’s. Who chose the 1950’s to be the decade for themed restaurants; why was that decade so awesome? Did state sponsored segregation make the food taste better? I don’t get it.

$5.29 for a cheeseburger. That price will typically send me into a blind rage but I’m hungry so I don’t have the energy. I’m like a wild horse that’s been broken.

I see that fries are $1.99. No problem. Onion rings are $2.99. I’m about to have an anger induced stroke. Which buster ass restaurant executive decided that onion rings are $1 more expensive to make? I go to the grocery store and buy potatoes and onions all of the time. No price difference. Why do I have to pay so much more for fried onions instead of fried potatoes? The situation is made worse by the portions you get. I’m guessing a serving of rings is about 2/3 the weight of a serving of fries. Assume an order of fries is an ounce heavy:

Fries = 1 ounce = 1.99
Fries = $1.99 per ounce

Rings = 2/3 ounce = 2.99
Rings = $4.53 per ounce

That’s a markup of 127%. That’s a buster ass markup. I want congressional inquiries. I want Ron Paul to rattle some cages on this shit.

Onion Ring Markups are buster. Keep coming back.

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