Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Escalator Standees

People don’t like walking that’s a given.

At some point someone decided to invent moving stairs. Inventions are not buster.

People love the moving stairs because if you walk up stairs that are moving already, you move twice as fast. It’s a very quick way to move between destinations.

But guess what happens. People decide that they don’t want to move twice as fast. Instead, they’d rather stand there and not do a goddamn thing. Being slothful is buster. Not only that, but they stand in the middle of the escalator so you can’t get around them. Also, they’re probably wearing puffy coats. Any one of those things by itself is buster but when you combine the three you’re just too far over the buster line. That’s a special kind of make me miss the red line buster. Way too buster for me. Move your puffy ass out of my way.

Escalator Standees are buster. Keep coming back.

1 comment:

  1. This is something I think about every time I walk up an escalator. And the people who stand on the moving walkways at airports. The moving walkway is to get you to the end of the terminal faster, not to take a break and let the moving walkway do the walking for you. Thanks for calling it buster, Nick.
