Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mystery Metal

I’m trying to get dressed for work today. I got my jog on and I’m out of the shower by 6:40. It’s been an efficient day up to this point.

I spray the pants with static guard to avoid static electricity. Static electricity is the most buster ass electricity out there. Stop being static. Go be a lightning bolt or something.

I throw the belt on. Almost time to leave.

Guess what happens. A piece of metal falls onto the floor. I pick this piece of metal off the ground and I have no idea where it came from. Is this from the belt? This belt is brand goddamned new so it better not break. Inferior products are buster. I can’t find where it would have come from on the belt so now I’m confused. I’m not wearing any other pieces of clothing that have a metal component. Unless you’re a knight who often has sword battles then metal clothes are buster. I give up and bring the piece of metal with me work just in case I figure out what it is later on. I may be overthinking this whole issue, which is a buster ass way of thinking. Think the regular amount, not over or under.

Mystery Metal is buster. Keep coming back.

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