Monday, January 21, 2013


Do you not understand that I don't want to have this conversation, bro?

"It's kinda weird that the bus always stops at a light right before it picks you up."
"Like when I'm down at Belmont and it (I wasn't listening to the rest of this. I think I was actually looking at the sidewalk) and it just drives by."

It's 11 degrees outside and I'm not into it. Just talk to your cat later or something.

Monday, January 14, 2013

SimCity Mayor

If SimCity is any indication, being mayor of a city is the easiest job in the world. Too much pollution? Put in a shit load of trees. Low property values? Just build lakes fucking EVERYWHERE so 90% of the houses are waterfront. Crazy amount of crime in some areas? Just bulldoze them and make them industrial parks. I’m a SimCity Republican like you wouldn’t believe. You think I have time to worry about your shitty neighborhood next to the industrial park? We just had a space monster wipe out have the city you fucking crybabies.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dog Friends

Is it a positive when dogs like you? My uncle once told me that dogs are a good judge of character or something like that and he rides motorcycles and gave me a whittling knife one time for my birthday. Clearly, he’s pretty cool and if any of my relatives knew about the canine psyche it would be him. On the other hand, they eat their own shit and it’s possible they like you just because you smell like meat so I don’t know.