Friday, April 1, 2011

Steel Reserve Change

I want to help homeless folks. I give out change if I have some handy and I'm pretty sure that the majority of people hawking Streetwise on the corner would rather have a normal 9 to 5 with health benefits. They just need help.

Except for the dude at 7-11 buying Steel Reserve with a pocketful of change at 7:30 in the morning. Bro, are you serious? Number one, that's a pain in the ass for the cashier who already kind of sucks and acts like saying "good morning" is worse then pulling teeth. But you're just gonna be a shitty example as well. I guarantee that you're the kind of homeless dude hardcore republicans think of when they're slashing welfare so they can etch the Bill Of Rights onto the moon or some other bullshit. You're letting everyone down.

Steel Reserve Pennies was a buster scene. Keep coming back.