Friday, February 24, 2012


I’ve got subscriptions to two different magazines and the pressure to read them is beginning to bother me. The first magazine is Details (which I got a free subscription to) and I don’t feel bad about that thing hitting the recycling bin without getting read. It’s a magazine that averages 10 pages of interesting writing buried in 140 pages of shirtless dudes. Pass.

The second magazine I subscribe to is The Economist and having that thing in the house makes me feel like I'm supposted to be cramming for a social studies exam. Why am I not reading all of the Africa section? Am I racist? What's this special report on the ISI's relationship with the Taliban? Jesus Christ, 6 pages? I've gone through half this article and I can't remember anything that I just read. Should I start over? Fuck it, I'm playing FIFA 12.

Magazines can be buster. Keep coming back.

1 comment:

  1. Playing first-person action games increases pre frontal cortex and capacity for inelligence = increased comprehension and retention of The Economist's dullary. FIFA will probably help you with supply-side diatribes but you're still f'd with the geo-political economics of post-colonial Punjab villages of northern India
