Easiest process yet:
-Stick beers in fridge in the morning
-Open 1st beer at about 7 PM and pour it into a glass
-Look at beer to make sure there’s no weird shit floating around in there.
-Drink beer. It definitely tastes like an IPA, but it seems to be a little off. Fuck it.
-Wonder what the alcohol content of this beer is.
-Continue to drink beer, noting that it tastes better after it’s been aired out for a little while. Or does it taste better just because you’ve gotten used to the taste? Are you a little drunk off a beer and a half? Either way, open 2nd beer.
-Drink 2nd beer.
-Once again, wonder what the alcohol content is because you’ve had a little less then 3 beers and you’re kind of zonked.
-Watch Parks and Recreation. Amy Poehler, LOLZ.