Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Thoughts on Thanksgiving this week:

-The office is about 50% empty today. If there was ever a day to see what would happen after peeing in a trash can under my desk, today is that day.
-Days like this make me think of the eventual apocalypse (spurned by zombies, nuclear war, you name it) that wipes out 90% of mankind. I’ll have fun for 2 weeks by just throwing shit off of roofs but then the reality will sink in: the only porn available is magazine form because there’s no electricity. Shit’s gonna get dark real quick.
-I'm skipping the bar scene Wednesday. I'll catch up with friends Friday/Saturday if I have to but I can't handle the bars anymore. How many Jaeger bombs are you buying? 10? Oh, you goddamned kids.
-Thanksgiving at my house is Godfather 1 & 2 on AMC, me silently cursing about parlays getting blown up, and hearing my dad call republicans “cocksuckers” all weekend. Norman Rockwell, eat your heart out.

Thanksgiving is unbuster. Keep coming back.